Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Girl Scout Earns Silver Award for Art Education Project

Nina sorts through donated crayons
for her Silver Award project.
Girl Scout Senior Nina from Newport News has earned the Silver Award, the second highest award a girl can earn in Girl Scouting, for her project that focused on art education for young children.

For her project, Nina taught art classes to children at PORT Emergency Homeless Shelter and Downtown Hampton Child Development Center. During the classes that she taught to over 100 children, Nina gave each child a drawing book she had made with easy steps to guide the children to draw animals. She also presented the children with crayons she had made from melting down used crayons, as well as a small pack of new crayons.

Nina also packaged her drawing books and crayons and gave them out to four preschools and childhood development centers on the Peninsula. She included an instructional guide for teaching the classes she designed with each packet so that her project can be delivered to even more children.

“I chose my project because I wanted to teach younger children and those less fortunate about the basic drawing shapes and give them the ability to express themselves through art,” Nina said.

Nina hopes that her project made an impact on encouraging young children to use their imagination. She chose to present her art classes to at-risk youth in order to give them an opportunity to learn about expressing themselves through art, as well as method to help relieve stress.

The Girl Scout Silver Award requires girls to identify an issue in their community and carry out a Take Action project to address the matter through leadership work. The Girl Scout Silver Award is the second- highest a girl can earn in Girl Scouting.