The God and Family program that Emily and Hailey participated in focused providing an opportunity for them to explore their faith with their family. The girls learned about different families in the Bible and about strengthening relationships in their family. Each week, the girls had certain scriptures to read at home and activities to complete with their family members. The program also helped Emily and Hailey learn and understand the Ten Commandments. After completing the program, the girls were awarded with a God and Family medallion during a church service.
Emily and Hailey earned the God and Family recognition through Programs of Religious Activities with Youth (P.R.A.Y.). P.R.A.Y. is a nonprofit organization focused on connecting youth with their faiths through the adult ministry at their church and through youth-serving organizations, such as Girl Scouts.
For more information about joining Girl Scouts or earning a religious recognition through Girl Scouts, visit www.gsccc.org.