Dr. Ann Campbell is the associate dean for student affairs and professor of microbiology and molecular cell biology at Eastern Virginia Medical School. She earned her postdoctoral fellowship at Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine and her doctorate in microbiology at the Medical College of Virginia. Dr. Campbell wants to raise awareness among girls and young women about how they can impact STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), as well as introduce them to their options for future careers and leadership roles in these fields.
Maria Chenault-Herbert is the president and CEO of MCH Consulting Services, an innovative small business that provides high quality technical, analytical, management, administrative and training support services for government and private sector customers. She received her Bachelor of Science in computer science from Christopher Newport University and is a former employee of Raytheon and Science Application International Corporation, where she managed multiple information technology projects for the Navy.
Lucinda (Lu Ann) Klevecz is the general counsel and managing director for Harbor Group International, LLC, a commercial real estate investment company. She is also the chief compliance officer for Harbor Group International affiliates. She holds a law degree from Regent University and a bachelor’s degree from Trinity University. She has been active in many volunteer roles, holding leadership positions in Cub Scouts, band and sports booster clubs and spouse organizations affiliated with US Army installations.
In June, these new members will join the rest of the board members for their next scheduled meeting at A Place for Girls, the GSCCC regional program center and headquarters. During their term, they will help to establish policy, approve budgets, set direction for GSCCC and monitor progress. Learn more about our board of directors here.