More than 200 Girl Scouts, volunteers, and staff attended the Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast Annual Council Meeting on Saturday, February 4 at the Hampton Roads Convention Center in Hampton.
SaraBeth and Girl Scout Ambassador Anne |
After an opening flag ceremony, Hampton Mayor Donnie Tuck welcomed Girl Scouts to his city. Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast CEO Tracy Keller then welcomed special guest SaraBeth, a country singer and songwriter,
who performed two of her hits for the audience, including “Girl Scout Cookie Monster.” Ashleigh Peterson, who ranked as the top cookie seller for Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast for the past seven years, was the guest speaker for the meeting. She shared how her experiences as a Girl Scout and a cookie entrepreneur shaped her into the person she is today.
Cheryle Mack, outgoing chair of the board of directors, and Keller delivered annual reports on the state of the council. In her last meeting as board chair, Mack took the time to share some her most memorable moments, which included her trip to Girl Scout National Convention in Utah and playing key role in the passing of House Bill 942, which give Girl Scouts priority access to schools.
Dr. Sandra DeLoatch, former chair of the board of directors, presented the newly elected board members who were installed after a vote by Girl Scout volunteer delegates. Carolene Goodwyn-Harris was installed as the new chair of the board of directors. Barbara Tierney will serve as vice-chair, and Megan Poppe will serve as treasurer.
Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast Board of Directors Tracy Keller, Michael Mendelsohn, Barbara Tierney, Tricia Hudson, Marie Vesely, Carolyn Pittman, Carolene Goodwyn-Harris, Megan Poppe, Catherine Magill, Carletta Waddler, Maria Mills, Lu Ann Klevecz, Dr. Ann Campbell, Avery Berge, Lara Overy |
Before the closing of the meeting, Hailey George, a Chesapeake Girl Scout, shared a story from her Girl Scout experience about earning the Girl Scout Silver Award, which is the second highest honor a girl can earn in Girl Scouting. George said that being a Girl Scout allowed her to become a leader about an issue she is passionate about and that affects her family—food allergies.
Following Annual Council Meeting, Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast hosted the Adult Awards Luncheon.
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