Celebrate the
G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ in you this year during
Girl Scout Week! To get the party started, consider using this guide throughout
the week.
Sunday, March 10:
Girl Scout Sunday
Earn your My Promise, My Faith Award. Work with your family and faith leaders to earn the
pin to celebrate the connection between the Girl Scout Promise and Law and your
Monday, March 11: Wear
your favorite Girl Scout swag
off your Girl Scout pride by wearing your favorite Girl Scout branded clothing
and accessories! This is the perfect day to also tell all of your friends about
the cool stuff Girl Scouts get to do!
March 12: Girl Scout Birthday
Create a themed birthday party with
your troop or group and invite friends! Introduce them to the fun of Girl
Scouts. This is a perfect time to hold a rededication ceremony.
Wednesday, March 13: Act of Kindness Day
all day doing random acts of kindness for others to celebrate what Girl Scouts
is all about! Smile at a stranger, help your parents bring in the groceries, leave
a kind note for someone, buy a stranger’s coffee or meal, rake leaves for a
neighbor or take their trashcan to the road for pickup. No matter how big or small
the acts of kindness are, you know you’ll be spreading the best part of Girl
Scouts—making the world a better place!
Thursday, March 14: Volunteer Day
Pick a charity or organization in your community that needs
help and use today to donate your time. Help stock a food pantry, volunteer at
a local animal shelter, or even volunteer to help someone close to you complete
a difficult task. Every Girl Scout knows how important it is to give back to
her community. This is the day to show others just how much girls can change
the world!
Friday, March 15: Wear your Girl Scout uniform to school
Show off your enthusiasm to be a G.I.R.L. by displaying
your achievements proudly at school! Share what you have learned as a Girl
Scout with your peers and encourage them to join Girl Scouts.
Saturday, March 16: Girl Scout Sabbath
Find a problem no matter how big or small in your
community. Think of a way you and others can solve it and let your voice be
Other ideas
。Learn what WAGGGS stands
。Read or re-read the Juliette Gordon
Low story.
。Take part in a Girl Scout flag
。Learn about Girl Scout history.
。Make a friendship bracelet for a
Girl Scout friend.