Our top GOC Girl Scouts gathered at the Scope Arena in
Norfolk to load up 100 cases of cookies into the United Services Organization
of Hampton Roads and Central Virginia (USOHRCV) van. The cases are just a few of many that are being donated to the USOHRCV thanks to the GOC program, our girls’ hard work and
the generous donations made by cookie customers all over southeastern Virginia
and northeastern North Carolina. More than 32,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies
will be delivered in total. Among other branches of the military, the cookies
will serve as an extra ‘thank you’ to Coast Guard members who were impacted by
the government shutdown this year as they will be the first group of service
members to receive them.
Following the donation, our top GOC sellers enjoyed a
hockey themed party, which included a special meet and greet with the Norfolk
Admirals’ mascot, Salty. The fun continued as several Girl Scouts performed the
flag ceremony before the team’s last game of the season. Our top GOC seller,
Girl Scout Cadette Maureen, even got to drop the puck!