Harris was a go-getter growing up as a Girl Scout and continues to be one
today as she makes a difference as the Media and Community Relations Manager for
Dominion Energy. She is a well-known leader in Hampton Roads and will be among
a select group of women being honored as a Girl Scout alum on November 21st at GSCCC’s Famous Formers annual luncheon.
encourage all girls to be champions for each other,” Bonita said. Just as
she did as a girl, Bonita says, “I encourage all girls to be champions for each
Scouts helped her have a strong foundation, to be bold and brave. And it helped
her learn some skills she continues to use today, such as marketing,
communications, and innovation.
was a good salesperson learning how to market my business and sell cookies, in
addition to eating them,” Bonita said. “I have incorporated the lessons I
learned from the Girl Scouts every day in my career. Girl Scouts taught me to
be a better leader and to raise your hand for tough jobs.”
She fondly recalls collaborating with other girls in her troop as she earned her
first badge. After earning that first badge, she felt a sense of accomplishment
and realized she could reach her goals when she put effort into them and completed
who is a mom of three girls and grandmother of one girl, is committed to
encouraging girls and young women to be courageous and confident. She also
nudges them to do well in school and have an academic edge, as well as a “can
do” spirit in life.
am proud to be a Girl Scout alum because that’s where I learned how to explore
my strengths, develop my communication skills, and it really laid the
foundation for my career,” she said.