First-grader Brogan is a Girl Scout with her sights set high. At just seven years old, she has also set some ambitious long-term goals, which include earning the Girl Scout Gold Award and becoming a Girl Scout chief executive officer. Last year, when she learned that selling 1,000 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies would mean that she would be invited to a special lunch hosted by Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast CEO Tracy Keller, she worked hard to meet that benchmark. This year, she accomplished it again, selling 1,019 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. Brogan looks up to Keller as a role model and has enjoyed the opportunities to meet her at each of the cookie luncheons.
Tracy Keller and Brogan |
On May 26, Brogan visited A Place for Girls, the Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast regional program center and headquarters for a special one-on-one meeting with Keller. Like Brogan, Keller was a Girl Scout while growing up in Virginia Beach, and she shared her scrapbook and some of her favorite Girl Scout memories with Brogan. Brogan then had the opportunity to take over CEO duties and share her visions for Girl Scouts, which included adding more amenities at the Girl Scout camp properties. She also gave two thumbs up after reviewing some marketing materials currently in development.
Keller then led Brogan and her mother, Stacie Beall, on a tour of A Place for Girls. They visited The Lodge, a program annex building that Girl Scout troops can rent for overnight trips, and The Outback, a nearly nine-acre nature area behind A Place for Girls. There, Brogan tried out the fitness course and earned the Girl Scout Fitness Trail patch. After a visit to the Girl Scout shop, Brogan had a special lunch with Keller.
“Brogan is a go-getter, problem solver and doesn’t let people get her down,” her mother said. “She loves Girl Scouts and aspires to become the CEO when she gets older.”
In addition to selling cookies, Brogan is a busy member of Troop 14. The troop members have completed community service projects, including cleaning up the school where the troop meets. Brogan has also earned all of the Girl Scout Daisy petals, which lead girls through activities to learn the tenets of the Girl Scout Law, which include being honest, fair, friendly, helpful and resourceful.