Girl Scout Cookie season is in full swing and that means
young cookie entrepreneurs are setting goals and gaining skills that will last
a lifetime. Each year, Girl Scouts across the nation recognize the incredibly
impactful Girl Scout Cookie Program during National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend!

Check out the 2020 National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend patch.
Cookie business doesn’t have to be all business, right? That’s
why we have two fun ways for you to win big this year with Girl Scouts of the
Colonial Coast.
Hashtag Contest
Become one of three winners of a FREE CASE of Girl Scout
Cookies by following these easy steps:
1) Take a picture featuring your 2020 Girl Scout
Cookie Purchase
2) Post your picture on Facebook or Instagram using
the hashtag #ColonialCoastCookies2020
3) Make sure your post is public so we can see it
and share it!
4) Three winners will be selected after March 22,
2020 and contacted via direct message.
5) Respond to GSCCC’s message and tell us what type
of cookies you would like!
Troop Cookie Volunteer
Golden Ticket Contest
Very special golden tickets are hidden in cases of cookies
at our Colonial Coast cookie cupboards. Visit a cupboard between February 28
and March 22, 2020 and you may be lucky enough to pick up a case containing a
golden ticket. If you open your case and find one, you could win one of several
amazing prizes.
Some prizes available to winners include:
-2021 Cookie Classic race entry
-$50 Amazon gift card
-Monopoly “Fortnite” Edition
-Admission for one to the 2020 Women’s Wellness Weekend
-Girl Scout Samoa or Thin Mint Build-a-Bears
and MORE!
The more cases you pick up the better your chances of
finding a golden ticket. If you are one of our winners please contact the
Product Program team at GSCCC to claim your prize.
There are a lot of incentives to take part in this year’s
cookie program and you definitely want to be part of this!