Camp Skimino has an updated Health Lodge! The update started in the Fall of 2019 when some amazing volunteers from Sentara Williamsburg spent their Day of Caring service hours at the camp taking down walls and tearing out flooring.
It was quite a job to go down to the framework on this 42 feet by 24 foot building that was constructed in 1976. But they did it and their work made it possible for construction to start.
GSCCC property team and volunteers dedicated a lot of hours doing the manual work and were helped with material donation by Commonwealth Building Materials who gave drywall, insulation, and other needed materials.
The inside is now looking new and ready for campers when we open our camp for overnight stays again! And the building meets ADA standards (ADA means Americans with Disabilities Act that accommodates persons in wheelchairs). Plans for renewing the outside are tentatively scheduled for fall.
Check out these interior photos: