Thursday, July 23, 2020

Silver Award Spotlight: Little Lending Library

Girl Scout Cadette Kathryn earned her Silver Award by designing and building a Little Lending Library for the students at Rena B. Wright Primary School.  

She designed a really cool two story library that can hold up to 75 books.  Kathryn's dad helped her shop for all the supplies she would need and taught Kathryn safe use of the power tools she would need for her project. 

After building the Little Library, she painted it using the school’s colors- blue and white.  Family and friends were happy to donate gently used children's books and Kathryn collected enough for several months of stock.

Once the library was complete and posted in the ground she made a special presentation to the faculty and staff of Rena B. Wright about the benefits of reading to small children and the process for designing, building and painting the library.  

The Little Lending Library has been well used.  Even since schools have been closed due to Covid-19, Kathryn has continued to restock books each week. 

“I am happy that the books are being used and I have restocked the books several times. I am very proud of my Little Lending Library and I know it will be used for years to come!”