Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Silver Award Spotlight: Peanut Free Benches for Virginia Beach Little League

Peanuts and other nuts are ballpark favorites, however many people have nut allergies and risk contact from sitting in quarters where nuts have been. For some people with severe allergies, contact with nuts can be life-threatening!

Girl Scout Cadette Elizabeth of Troop 308 earned her Silver Award in her project “Peanut Free Benches for Virginia Beach Little League (VBLL)”. She designed, constructed and installed 12 “peanut free” benches for VBLL guests to enjoy.

Each bench has a sign indicating that it is a “peanut free zone.”

Working on her project, she learned how to build frames, work with concrete, and lead a team to a common goal. Elizabeth’s benches will be a safe place for all to enjoy for many years to come.

Congratulations, Elizabeth!

Installing the benches at VBLL.  She learned how to build the frame and

mix and pour the concrete.

Meeting with a representative from VBLL to discuss placement of benches

at the fields.  She made 12 benches in total for the complex