Friday, November 13, 2020

How to Get Ready for the MyGS System Update Coming November 18, 2020

Earlier this month, we shared information about Girl Scouts upcoming system refresh and plans to debut an enhanced member account system. Girl Scouts will be releasing a refreshed member account management system, currently known as MyGS. The fresh new environment will provide increased visibility to your Girl Scout member account, make it simpler to manage and maintain household memberships (and for troop leaders, troop memberships too!) and find more fun for your girl!

To transition to the enhanced platform, it is necessary to have a system downtime period. While much of the downtime is set to occur the week of Thanksgiving, we want to make sure that you are aware of the downtime, it’s potential to impact your Girl Scout plans, and steps you can take before November 18 – the date the downtime starts -  to prevent any surprises.


Please take a moment to review our Readiness List (located on our website) regarding the system downtime period that will take place in November and what you can do now to prepare. As always, we’ll be here to support you every step of the way!


All members can help make the transition a bit easier by making sure their current MyGS account is current. 


1. Log in to your MyGS account. As we upgrade from MyGS to MyAccount, there will be a period of time where MyGS will be down and cannot process membership renewals or new memberships. To avoid disruption to your account, make sure to renew your membership by November 15, 2020!   


2. Review the email addresses for your household. Are the parents/caregivers in your household using the same email address? If yes, complete the next step.


3. Provide a new email address for the secondary caregiver.


You’re all set! Thank you for your help in ensuring a smooth transition for your family to Girl Scouts’ refreshed member account platform.