Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Silver Award Spotlight: "Free Little Library at Local Park."

Girl Scout Cadette Madison of Troop 661 recently earned her Silver Award by completing a project she titled, "Free Little Library at Local Park." Madison knows the benefits of reading for people of all ages and wanted to ensure kids in her community had the resources they needed to grow their love of reading just like she has. To do so, the Girl Scout identified a neighborhood without a library within walking distance and decided to build the little library within that neighborhood's community park. 

"I know that reading is beneficial to people at all stages of life. Reading books can provide many benefits to children. It can increase cognitive development, creativity, imagination, increased success in school, and help foster a lifelong love of reading. Some children do not have the opportunity to read or explore books because they do not have easy access to them," Madison said. "Free Little Libraries can be a gateway for people in the community to receive and share books with others. It is my hope that people in the community will enjoy taking and reading books from my library as well as sharing books when they have finished reading so others can enjoy them too."

Thanks for sharing your love of literacy, Madison! Congratulations to this Girl Scout Cadette.