Monday, March 11, 2019

Hampton Youth in Government Day

A group of Hampton Girl Scouts recently explored their local government during Hampton City Council Scout Youth in Government Day on February 27. This annual event gives youth in the City of Hampton the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of local government through hands-on activities.

This year, fifteen Girl Scouts got the chance to become city planners for the day. After introductions by Mayor Donnie Tuck, City Manager Mary Bunting and City Clerk Katherine Glass, the girls learned more about why city planning is so important. Then, the girls were able to plan their own version of the city with financial considerations in place. Following their activity, Girl Scouts had lunch with members of city council as they learned more about the day-to-day operations of the city.

In the afternoon, the group boarded Hampton Roads Transit buses to complete a photo safari to compare the Hampton of years’ past to today and into the future! The second half of the day was also a chance for the girls to understand the importance and convenience of public transportation.

Thank you to Girl Scout alum Katherine Glass for organizing the event.