I’ve been working towards my Gold Award. With this sickness, Covid-19, going around I realized I can do something to change the community and maybe even the world. I’ve heard about the hospitals and how they are crazy low on supplies. They’re having to reuse gowns and masks in order to have enough for everyone who is working.
Saturday, I woke up and said to my mom, “Mom, how hard would it be to make our own surgical masks to donate to hospitals?”
She grabbed her keys and we ran to Michael’s craft store. We picked up the supplies we needed and got straight to work sewing cloths and elastics for hours, with hours turning into days. I have made over 50 surgical masks that are going to be donated to hospitals, and still working on more.
I have been talking to my friends in Girl Scouts and even got them in on this movement. Girl Scouts all over can do it and we can help the people who are working day and night to keep them safe and healthy. This experience has taught me so much and I’m so excited to share it with everyone I can reach.