Thursday, December 23, 2021

Gold Award Spotlight: Citizenship for Young Learners

Girl Scout Ambassador Caroline recently earned the Gold Award by completing a project she called, “Citizenship for Young Learners.” She worked with Lee Ann Chisenhall, Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools Social Studies Coordinator to understand the needs of an existing citizenship program for first graders, Daughters of the American Revolution First Grade Citizenship Program, and created a video curriculum to support the program county-wide.

She organized interviews about citizenship with Senator Monty Mason, representative of the Peninsula’s 1st Senate District, Dr. Howard Townsend, principal of Jamestown High School, Dr. Matt Eppright, coach of the Tidewater Sharks, and Mr. Leslie Hall of the Williamsburg James City County  Fire Department. Using clips from the video interviews along with other interactive elements, Fuller created three SOL aligned video lessons for classroom use: Citizenship at Home and in Your Classroom, Citizenship in Your Community, and Citizenship in Your State and Country. 

“Citizenship is an important topic in education, especially in younger grades,” Fuller said. “Besides identifying as a citizen of a nation, the dictionary also defines citizenship as the quality of an individual’s response to membership in a community. Being an involved, engaged part of the community is an important life skill.”

Caroline's curriculum is available to all first grade teachers in the Williamsburg James City County School District. 

Congratulations, Caroline!