Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Gold Award Spotlight: Music for a Cure

Girl Scout Ambassador Madison recently earned the Gold Award by completing a project she titled, “Music for a Cure.” She worked with Music Therapist, Christopher Byrd, of Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters to create a neurologic music intervention curriculum for use with a nearby elementary school’s special education program and aa local high school’s student clinic. Madison had a goal to use professional music intervention protocols with students to alleviate certain concerns while they are in a school setting.

The program, which includes audible musical components and hands on components based on scientifically proven methods, was used at the schools in classroom and clinic settings. Teachers with the special education program reported positive outcomes like good moods and increased attention spans for students after participating. The school clinic reported that students found the audible component to be soothing and help alleviate minor complaints like headaches for high school students. She says neurological issues can be common but there are ways to help.

“There are many neurological disorders and problems present in my community,” she said. “These range from some that are more common, like depression and anxiety, to some that are less common like Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome and special needs-based disorders. After personally experiencing many challenges from these types of disorders, I helped students in my community and elsewhere by reducing symptoms of some of these challenges.”

Congratulations, Madison!