Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Gold Award Spotlight: Ready, Set Play!

Girl Scout Ambassador Gabriella recently earned her Gold Award, the highest honor and achievement in Girl Scouting by completing a project she titled “Ready, Set, Play!” She recognized that many families were facing social isolation and wanted to offer a safe outdoor space in her community that was inviting for families to get out of their homes while involving her interest in tennis. 

“Because tennis doesn't require any direct person-to-person contact, players can enjoy the many physical and mental benefits that tennis offers in a safe environment,” Gabriella said.

She worked with John Ruggerio of Norfolk Parks and Recreation to assess the needs of Larchmont Tennis Courts and to determine ways she could make an impact and reinvigorate the property. She went on to update the space by doing landscaping, creating a mural, and replacing signage at the facility. 

Gabriella hosted tennis clinics with the help of volunteers named “Ready, Set, Play!” at the tennis court where the community was invited to experience the space and invited to learn about playing tennis and the importance of physical and mental health.

“Open spaces for activity provide many advantages including the preservation of nature, places for physical activity, and an escape from stress to reconnect with family and friends,” she said. "My project’s goal was to encourage adolescents to look outside and to look to nature for physical and mental health support.”